So here's the thing...I've been writing post like these in my other blog, Bubblegum and Honeycomb for some time now. I've just kept them to myself, parenting struggles and yes, a few rants, that come with parenting with a brain tumour. All unpublished, all unread. From time to time I reread my blog posts, just to keep myself "in check". So what did I find? That these blog post were actually funny for the most part. Me, with my off beat sense of humour, fumbling my way through my new maze of parenting with yes...a hole in my head.
My brain surgery left me with a toonie size hole in my head. For all those non Canadian's a Toonie is our $2 coin that is about the size of a golf ball, obviously flat, not round, you get the idea.
Now do I think that a hole in my head changes my parenting skills...umm NO, that would be silly. Do I think that having brain surgery has changed my outlook on parenting in this wacko world we live in...most definitely.
So my new found place to rant, praise and of course share those moments of parenting that are not taken for granted will be here. Having a hole in your head changes who you are, not because they didn't put the piece of skull back, but because behind that hole, deep in my brain is a tumour. That will change you, your outlook, your parenting, your patience, you ability to love deeper and honestly, to see the little things AND of course the things that drive you crazy. The old saying, it's all in your head has a whole new meaning, that's not necessarily a bad thing.
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